function setToday() { var now = new Date(); var day = now.getDate(); var month = now.getMonth(); var year = now.getYear(); if (year < 100) { year += 1900; } else { year += 0000; } this.focusDay = day; document.calControl.month.selectedIndex = month; document.calControl.year.value = year; displayCalendar(month, year); } function isFourDigitYear(year) { if (year.length != 4) {alert ("Sorry, the year must be four-digits in length.\n L'anno deve essere di 4 cifre!");; document.calControl.year.focus(); } else { return true; } } function selectDate() { var year = document.calControl.year.value; if (isFourDigitYear(year)) { var day = 0; var month = document.calControl.month.selectedIndex; displayCalendar(month, year); } } function setPreviousYear() { var year = document.calControl.year.value; if (isFourDigitYear(year)) { var day = 0; var month = document.calControl.month.selectedIndex; year--; document.calControl.year.value = year; displayCalendar(month, year); } } function setPreviousMonth() { var year = document.calControl.year.value; if (isFourDigitYear(year)) { var day = 0; var month = document.calControl.month.selectedIndex; if (month == 0) { month = 11; if (year > 1000) { year--; document.calControl.year.value = year; } } else { month--; } document.calControl.month.selectedIndex = month; displayCalendar(month, year); } } function setNextMonth() { var year = document.calControl.year.value; if (isFourDigitYear(year)) { var day = 0; var month = document.calControl.month.selectedIndex; if (month == 11) { month = 0; year++; document.calControl.year.value = year; } else { month++; } document.calControl.month.selectedIndex = month; displayCalendar(month, year); } } function setNextYear() { var year = document.calControl.year.value; if (isFourDigitYear(year)) { var day = 0; var month = document.calControl.month.selectedIndex; year++; document.calControl.year.value = year; displayCalendar(month, year); } } function displayCalendar(month, year) { month = parseInt(month); year = parseInt(year); var i = 0; var days = getDaysInMonth(month+1,year); var firstOfMonth = new Date (year, month, 1); var startingPos = firstOfMonth.getDay(); days += startingPos; document.calButtons.calPage.value =Date().substring(0,4)+Date().substring(8,11)+Date().substring(4,8)+Date().substring(20,24)+Date().substring(10,16)+"\n----------------------\n Do Lu Ma Me Gi Ve Sa"; document.calButtons.calPage.value += "" for (i = 0; i < startingPos; i++) { if ( i%7 == 0 ) document.calButtons.calPage.value += "\n "; document.calButtons.calPage.value += " "; } for (i = startingPos; i < days; i++) { if ( i%7 == 0 ) document.calButtons.calPage.value += "\n "; if (i-startingPos+1 < 10) document.calButtons.calPage.value += "0"; document.calButtons.calPage.value += i-startingPos+1; document.calButtons.calPage.value += " "; } for (i=days; i<42; i++) { if ( i%7 == 0 ) document.calButtons.calPage.value += "\n "; document.calButtons.calPage.value += " "; } document.calControl.Go.focus(); } function getDaysInMonth(month,year) { var days; if (month==1 || month==3 || month==5 || month==7 || month==8 || month==10 || month==12) days=31; else if (month==4 || month==6 || month==9 || month==11) days=30; else if (month==2) { if (isLeapYear(year)) { days=29; } else { days=28; } } return (days); } function isLeapYear (Year) { if ((Year % 4)==0) {return (true); } else { return (false); } } document.write('